
ECO Project Services Ltd believes in adopting a complete project approach, drawing on its impressive cross-section of professional expertise to deliver end-to-end consultancy solutions to clients. In furtherance thereof, the firm has, over the decades, developed competencies and capacities in the following areas:

Appraisal & FeasibilityStructured & metric-based assessments of project viability & feasibility, including assessments of the economic, social, environmental & technological case.
Concept & Brief DevelopmentLogic-based determinations of project scope, development of detailed project briefs and concept designs, including needs assessments, user appraisals & location studies.
Design & DocumentationPreparation of detailed project designs & documentation, including drawings, specifications, schedules & bills of quantities, for procurement & construction purposes.
Procurement ManagementProcurement advisory services, including guidance of procurement options & methods, development of procurement plans & schedules, oversight of procurement process and bid evaluation support.
Contract AdministrationSelection of appropriate contract forms & conditions, preparation of contact documentation, and post-award administration of contracts.
Construction SupervisionOversight & management of construction operations from mobilization through completion & handover, including monitoring & control of project quality, cost & budgets.
Post-Completion MonitoringPost-construction monitoring of projects, building & systems functionality checks & user/occupant satisfaction surveys.